• “A Wake-Up Call: The Importance of Being Present”?

    “I recently had a really eye-opening experience that made me realize the importance of being aware of our surroundings. It was pouring rain, and the bridge we needed to cross was flooded. We all had to wait for over an hour to safely make our way across. While cars were at a standstill, some people decided to walk across the bridge. Among them was a mother with her two young children, aged 5 and 6. Unfortunately, the water was deep and had strong currents. Tragically, one of her children was swept away. Without hesitation, I jumped in and used the skills I had learned to go with the current and grab onto anything I could find. Thankfully, with the help of my brother, we were able to rescue the child. This experience made me realize how crucial it is to be aware of our surroundings and make informed decisions. It truly can make all the difference and even save lives.”

  • COVID- 19

    “Hey everyone! So, I recently caught Covid and let me tell you, it gave me a whole new perspective on freedom. Being locked up in my bedroom for a whole week made me realize just how much I took for granted. The fresh air, the simple joy of going outside, and the warmth of human connection. It’s amazing how something like this can make you appreciate the little things in life.

    But you know what? In the midst of it all, I also witnessed the incredible power of kindness and friendship. When my friends heard the news, they showed up at my doorstep with baskets of fruits and vegetables. It may seem like a small gesture, but it meant the world to me. It reminded me that no matter our age, we all need a support system that cares.

    During my time in isolation, I also had a chance to reflect on the role technology plays in our lives. We often get so caught up in our screens that we miss out on the precious moments with our loved ones. That’s why I started having game nights with my siblings. We laughed, we competed, and we created memories that I’ll cherish forever. It’s these simple moments that remind us of the importance of being present and connecting with the people who matter most.

    So, as I sit here editing my blog, I can’t help but be grateful for the lessons I’ve learned. Covid may have disrupted my life, but it also gave me a fresh perspective. It taught me to appreciate freedom, value friendship, and prioritize the moments that truly matter. Life is a journey, and sometimes it takes unexpected detours to remind us of what’s truly important.

  • How to tie a shoelace.

    During PE, one of my students tripped over his own shoelace, but luckily he didn’t get hurt. I saw this as an opportunity to teach the students how to tie their own shoelaces. I asked the students who knew how to tie their shoelaces, and only one student did. I decided to teach the whole class how to tie their shoelaces. I got some strings and asked the students to practice tying the strings around the edges of the chairs. I realized that I needed a lot of patience to teach the students, but I kept repeating the same instructions until everyone got it. I then paired each student together and asked them to teach and try to tie their strings around their ankles. After a few minutes, some students started to lose their patience, but we kept at it until everyone was able to tie their shoelaces. Before ending the activity, I asked the students how they felt about learning how to tie their shoelaces. They all had different feelings, but I explained the main reason for this activity was for their safety and how important it is to know how to tie your own shoelaces. At the end of the day, one of my students ran to his dad saying, “I’m not a small boy anymore, I’m a big boy because I know how to tie my own shoelaces!” It’s moments like that that make teaching worth it.

  • Playing billiard

    I found the interest in playing billiard as it was a way of bonding with my siblings. It’s usually not a norm for females to play billiard as it is known to be a ‘male’ game. I took it upon myself to learn how to play and to my surprise I started to improve on my playing skills. Also, I started to see a few benefits from playing billiard. The first one would be getting to move my body around not to the point where I’m out of breath but I found myself moving around a lot from one side of the table to the other.  That might not seem like much, but compared to watching TV or being on my phone while lying around it’s a whole lot more.

    Second one would be that it helps with my focus. When playing, it takes a lot of concentration to master a shot and avoid hitting in the 8 ball but also trying to shoot your own balls without being distracted by what’s around you including talking to your friends or the music that’s playing so it does require a fair amount of focus. 

    Third one would be just like how we play frizbee to help the children be critical thinkers billiard is such. For instance, figuring out how to make a difficult shot requires logical step by step thinking. 

    When playing pool it improves your stretching and balancing skills. Having to stretch more and bend across the table top to reach the cue ball especially when it’s a more complex shot. I even found myself at times to be standing on one foot to take a shot and it really as improved my stability and I don’t find myself getting cramps as much as before.  

    When paying close attention to the game I found myself using maths for instance my angles when shooting the ball and trying to estimate my shots which I get to apply  in other things besides billiard like cooking and estimating how long our pod plants would take to grow as well. 

    With all these benefits it pushes me more to not only learn but to master this skills so I’m able to apply it in other expects of my life. 

  • The Link between early morning exercise to better health and fitness.

    I started to try and get back on my journey of staying fit and mind you, it is not an easy task. I usually found that exercising early in morning helped me a lot in the way that I felt like I had more energy as the air was so fresh as not many cars are on the roads, and the environment was more calm as I usually trained at 4 o’clock in the morning. I started my training at the beginning of this year but I found myself worn out as I had to leave my place by 5 o’clock due to traffic.

    While knowing that exercise was good for my health I tend to find myself slipping off and getting back to my old habits of being inconsistent with training.

    Since I started to teach in MIS, I also had to practice what I preach; if I am telling my students to exercise at home, I need to ensure I am doing the same. I made it a habit that I had about 30 minutes of training in the morning, no matter what, and it has helped me a lot (no doubt there).

    Although, my body has gone into shock which led to slight health deterioration, I was still able to push myself into sticking to a routine. The results are very noticeable, I am able to focus more throughout the day compared to the days I do not exercise.

    I have started to do early morning exercise for at least 15 to 20 minutes, this has made my body and mind feel more fresh and attentive to carry out my job. Few changes or rather the improvements that I have noticed are, firstly, I’m more attentive, I am able to organise myself well since I have a fresh mind and start for the day. It has also helped me be more attentive.

    Aside from early morning exercises, I have religiously maintained my intake of drinking water everyday. Seeing that our body is made up of water, I got to learn that the adult man has 60% of their body made of water, and that females have around 55%, how crazy is that?! I’ve learnt that drinking enough but not too much water is also the key to healthy living.

    As I work towards practicing these heath tips I also look forward to finding new ways to improve my health and overall well-being.

  • First year as a full time teacher.

    The calm before the storm.

    What a great start to the year as I got my amazing little Pod 3 to roll with.

    This two weeks went by so fast, as the children are starting to settle down into their lovely classroom, I am also starting to get the hang of it.

    Let me explain one of the main problem I faced during this opening weeks of school. The main problem that teaches face one way or the other is stress and anxiety. I personally was worried that I wasn’t going into the right direction, didn’t know if I was teaching the right way and because of that it made me question myself and made me feel anxious that the parents/guardians would question my teaching.

    Zhanna and Nitika have been angels, they made me realize that it’s okay to make mistakes and ask for help even if it feels like it’s a lot. They also taught me not to start my mornings with any worries but with excitement and a clear mind, but then again it’s easier said than done. 😮‍💨

    Other fabulous teachers have really helped a lot in showing me what they taught their Pods the prior years to give me a rough idea of what I’m gonna teach my Pod this year and I think I may have added onto their stress with all my questions hehehe…🤫

    I may not be able to get rid of all my stress but I’m able to handle it better because of all the advice that has been given to me. The monitoring and tests processes in place had also made me understand the progress I have made and the way forward.

    So for now, I am trying to learn as much as I can from my peers as how they handle their stress and/or anxiety and I am trying to evaluate if those methods work for me or not.

    What are some of your ways of dealing with stress/anxiety? Who knows, maybe that might be my way 🤪

  • Mind Map

    Main focus is fear of failure.

  • Exhilarated Feeling

    Exhilarated Feeling

    My first ever blog- buckel up and enjoy the ride.

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